

Bus Train Ferry Next Bus Contact

2008 August 16 - Vancouver Trolley Bus 60th Anniversary

Parade from VTC to Stanley Park

2805: 41st & Oak (front-left) 2805: 41st & Oak (front-left) 1109 (front-left) 1109 (front-left) 2040 (rear-left) 1109 (rear-left) 1109 (rear-left) 2153 at VTC VTC shops VTC shops 2805: 41st & Oak (front-left) 1109 (left) 2416: NIS (front-left) 2040: 6 Fraser (front-left) 2040: 6 Fraser (front-left) 2040: 6 Fraser (front-right) 2416: NIS (front-right) 1109 (front-right) 2257 at VTC 2805: 41st & Oak (front-right) 2805: 41st & Oak (front-right) 2040 back 2040 driver's seat 2040 farebox 2040 driver's seat 2529 (front-left) 2529 (front-left) 2123 (front-left) 2416 stop light 2416 (driver's seat) 2416 driver's seat 2416 back 2416 front 2416 and the lineup 2529 E40LFR driver's controls E40LFR driver's controls E901/2 Driver's controls E901/2 Driver's controls E800 Driver Controls E800 Interior E800 Driver Controls E800 Driver Controls E800 Driver Controls 2040 and the lineup 2416 front door 2040 front door Bikers on Arthur Laing 2416 seats 2416 Rear Door Instructions To Open Door, Push Gate.  Hold Open Till Off Bus 2040 rear 2416 rear Investigating V1109's shoes 2416 rear Angus does the rewiring IMG_0125 V1109 entering Stanley Park Loop 2805: 11 Stanley Park 2805: 11 Stanley Park 2123: 19 Stanley Park 2529: 19 Stanley Park 2529: 19 Stanley Park 2529: 19 Stanley Park 2529: 19 Stanley Park 2529: 56 Lost Lagoon Loop 2123: SkyTrain Special 2529: 56 Lost Lagoon Loop 2529: 160 Kootenay Loop 2805: 15 Cambie 2805: 15 Cambie 2805: 15 Cambie V1109: 7 Dunbar 2416: 19 Stanley Park 2805 (rear) 2040, 2416, V1109
BusTrainFerry.com is primarily a photo gallery of public transportation vehicles, as well as a home of other unofficial transit information services. All photos are taken by Dennis Tsang, a transit enthusiast in the Metro Vancouver area. Photos are released under Creative Commons licensing.