

Bus Train Ferry Next Bus Contact

CMBC - New Flyer D60LF

8001 8001: 99 Broadway Station B-Line 8002: UBC B-Line 8003: 99 Broadway Station B-Line 8006 and 8017: 99 Broadway Station B-Line 8006: Express 8006: Express 8006: Go Canucks Go 8007: NIS 8011: 135 SFU 8012: Broadway Station B-Line 8012: Go Canucks Go 8014: 99 Broadway Station B-Line 8014: Go Canucks Go 8015: 99 UBC B-Line 8016: 99 UBC B-Line 8019: 99 UBC B-Line 8021: 99 B-Line 8022: 99 Broadway Station 8028: 99 UBC B-Line 8029: 99 UBC 8030: 99 B-Line 8040: 99 Broadway Station 8040: 99 Broadway Station B-Line 8045: 99 Broadway Station 8047: 99 Broadway Station 8051 8051: 99 B-Line 8053: Special 8053: Special 8053: Special 8055: 491 One Road 8055: 99 UBC 8058 8058: 98 Burrard Station 8059: 98 B-Line 8059: 98 B-Line 8059: 98 Burrard Station B-Line 8059: 98 Richmond Centre 8060 8060: 98 B-Line 8060: 98 Richmond Centre 8063: NIS 8065: 98 B-Line 8066: 98 Burrard Station 8067: 98 B-Line 8068: 98 B-Line 8070 8070: 480 UBC 8070: 98 B-Line 8071 8071: 98 Richmond Centre 8071: 98 Richmond Centre 8071: 98 Richmond Centre 8071: 98 Richmond Centre 8071: NIS 8073: 98 B-Line 8073: 98 Burrard Station 8073: 98 Richmond Centre 8073: 98 Richmond Centre 8073: 98 Richmond Centre B-Line 8073: 98 Richmond Centre B-Line 8074: 98 B-Line 8075: 98 Richmond Centre 8078: 98 Richmond Centre 8080: 98 Richmond Centre 8081: 98 Richmond Centre 8083: 98 Richmond Centre 8084: 98 Richmond Centre 8089: 98 B-Line 8089: NIS 8089: NIS 8089: NIS 8089: NIS 8091: 480 UBC 8092: 480 Richmond 8093 8093: 480 UBC 8093: 480 UBC 8094 8094: 99 Broadway Station 99 To Boundary B-Line on Wesbrook Mall IMG_0129 IMG_0135 IMG_0136 IMG_1023 IMG_5264 IMG_7320 Move to the back! 8020: 99 Broadway Station B-Line 8031: Express 8064: 98 Burrard Station 8043: 99 Broadway Station 8016: NIS 8042: 44 Downtown 8086: NIS 8078: 98 Richmond Centre 8061: 98 B-Line 8068: To Steveston & Shell 8067: 98 Richmond Centre 8049: 98 To Steveston & Shell 8066: 98 Richmond Centre 8081: 98 Richmond Centre 8062: 98 B-Line 8062: 98 B-Line 8062: 98 Richmond Centre 8075: 98 To Steveston & Shell 8060: 98 B-Line D60LF interior D60LF Interior Rear 8072: 98 B-Line 8069: 98 Burrard Station 8049: 98 To Steveston & Shell 8052: 98 Burrard Station 8060: 98 B-Line 8079: 98 Burrard Station 8092: Burrard Station 8092: 98 B-Line (rear) 8092: 98 B-Line (rear) 8084: 98 To Steveston & Shell 8084: 98 To Steveston & Shell 8084: 98 To Steveston & Shell 8077: 98 B-Line 8084: 98 To Steveston & Shell 8077: 98 B-Line 8072: 98 B-Line 8072: 98 Richmond Centre 8072: 98 B-Line 8072: 98 B-Line 8072: 98 B-Line (rear) IMG_5778 8081: 98 Burrard Station 8062: NIS 8062: NIS 8062: NIS 8069: 98 To Steveston & Shell Service Discontinued - No More Uncle Barrie IMG_5789 IMG_5790 IMG_5791 IMG_5792 IMG_5793 IMG_5794 IMG_5795 8052: 98 B-Line 8060: 98 Richmond Centre 8060: 98 B-Line 8045: 98 Burrard Station 8045: 98 Burrard Station 8045: 98 Burrard Station 8079: 98 To Steveston and Shell 8079: 98 To Steveston and Shell 8079: 98 To Steveston And Shell 8079: 98 To Steveston And Shell 98: To Steveston & Shell 8062: 620 Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: 620 Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: 620 Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: 620 Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: 620 Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: 620 Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: 620 Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: 620 Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: Tsawwassen Ferry 8062: Tsawwassen Ferry 8078 pulls into RTC 8062: 480 Brighouse Station 8062: 480 Brighouse Station 8071: 410 Railway 8004: Go... 8031: Go Canada Go 8097: 160 Poco Stn 8050: NIS 8050: NIS 8005: 135 SFU (rear) 8051: 135 SFU (rear) 8022: 135 Burrard Station 8086: 143 Coquitlam Station 8009 (rear) 8051: 145 Production Station 8101: 143 Coquitlam Station 8015 8023, 8144 8065: 49 Metrotown Station 8065: 49 Metrotown Station 8065: 49 Metrotown Station 8065: 49 Metrotown Station 8078 8081: 49 UBC 8081: 49 UBC 8081: 49 UBC 8075: 49 Dunbar Loop 8075: NIS 8004: 43 UBC 8031: NIS (rear) 8031: NIS (rear) 8077: Marine Drive Station 8077: Marine Drive Station 8077: Marine Drive Station Rears of various buses 8077: Marine Drive Station 8077: Marine Drive Station 8077: Marine Drive Station 8077: Bridgeport Station 8077: Bridgeport Station 8077: Bridgeport Station 8077: Bridgeport Station 8069: NIS 8069: NIS 8018: Express 8020: Go Canucks Go 8014: 99 UBC B-Line 8092: Special 8032: NIS 8084: 97 Coquitlam Station 8084: 97 B-Line 8084: Go Canucks Go 8088: 97 B-Line 8011: 44 Downtown 8060: 480 Bridgeport Station 8056: 480 UBC 8038: 99 Commercial-Broadway Station B-Line 8101: 480 Bridgeport Station 8068: Express 8083: 403 Three Road 8078: 403 Three Road 8072: NIS 8087: 97 Lougheed Station 8001: 701 Coquitlam Station 8033: 99 Commercial Station 8056: 351 Crescent Beach 8055: 232 Cleveland Dam 8062: Express 8041: SkyTrain Special 8085: 160 Via Guildford Way 8085: 160 Via Guildford Way
BusTrainFerry.com is primarily a photo gallery of public transportation vehicles, as well as a home of other unofficial transit information services. All photos are taken by Dennis Tsang, a transit enthusiast in the Metro Vancouver area. Photos are released under Creative Commons licensing.